Sirish Chandra Foundation Awards
(For our In-house students)

The objectives of the program

  • To encourage our present In-house students for advancing perfection and perceiving remarkable achievement on their work during their study.
  • To find out about career advancement and the most recent research devices and technologies in the field of HSE.
  • To motivate them for building up of their own logical devices and models drawing attention in locally or universally.


  • The Award will be in the name of “Sirish Chandra Foundation Award”.
  • Three In-house students will be selected for the Awards.
  • 1st Prize – Rs 5000/,  2nd Prize3000/- and Third Prize – 2000/- respectively, with a certificate and memento.
  • The Awards will be handed over to the selected students at the end of the Inauguration Session of HSE 2023 on 23rd December, 2023.
  • Discounts in registration fee at the conferences conducted by the organizers in future.
  • Chance to publish full length papers in international journals.


  • Any present or recently passed out student from our Institute of Diploma / PG Diploma / Advance Diploma / B.Sc. / MBA courses is eligible for the Award.


  • All the students of our Institute will be evaluated by our expert team members. 
  • The students need not to submit any document or application form. The evaluation process is a continuous in nature, and done throughout the year. 
  • Students performance record in terms of Score of their Final Exam, Class Attendance, Behaviour, Attitude, Interaction with Teachers / other students, Involvement in different Institutional activities, etc. are considered.